Deliciosos dulces para acompañar el café, los queques de guineo y las empanadas bien buenos, siempre que vengo al mall compro algo de este lugar
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Precio por persona de: Entrada + Plato principal + bebida SIN ALCOHOL
Precio = Entrada + PLato principal + Bebida
I walked in to Rosselot out of curiosity. I wound up ordering their Lentil Chicken Sop and a Salad with chicken. The salad came out first and was adequate. I was disappointed to see that after ordering the soup, a young man came out from the kitchen and grabbed a few frozen containers of the lentil soup from the frozen take away counter. Then after 7 minutes, I imagine the time it to to defrost and heat the soup, it was brought out to me. In all fairness, the soup was good, but obviously not made that day and maintained hot in large kettle.
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