Siempre vamos a este restaurante aunque esta vez la eleccion de los platos no ha sido optima: tallarines, miss cho salad. Restaurante perfecto y buen servicio
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Precio = Entrada + PLato principal + Bebida
Comida exquisita. Cocina abierta donde hacen los rolls. La decoración es muy bonita y por la noche hay DJ. Una sorpresa en pleno Obarrio
we have been wanting to try this place for a while now! it has been hyped up a lot! well thee hype is not real! jaja not going to say it was bad! but it wasnt amazing!!! we had 3 rolls, entraña tacos (2 mini tacos fyi) crispy rice with spicy tuna (best dish of the day) and thai noodles (which the noodle were under-cooked and the sauce was too sweet) the servicee was amazing! will we go back! naah! still in quest for good sushi in pty!
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