I go to Leños for protein! Its not the best steaks or chicken, but it is relativity fast and the prices are reasonable. The "salad" bar is adequate, but the plate is small and they put restrictions on what you can put on the salad plate.
Platos recomendados
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Precio por persona de: Entrada + Plato principal + bebida SIN ALCOHOL
Precio = Entrada + PLato principal + Bebida
The salad bar is now included in the price of most main dishes. Much better this way. The only problem is sometimes there an salad bar attendant that oversees the quantity of items that is being served. How do they count the quantity of acceptable rice? Other than that person who inspects what is being served, this is much better. The chicken and meats are still well prepared.
Pedí pollo a la brasa esta última vez, delicioso. La sopa de pollo igual. El jugo de piña también. Me percaté que ahora supervisan que te pongas de acompañamiento solo una cucharada de cada uno, antes no era así.
Leños & Carbón (Causeway)Causeway
Leños & Carbón (El Dorado)El Dorado
Leños & Carbón (Albrook Mall)Albrook
Leños & Carbon (Metromall)Cerro Viento
Leños & Carbon (Anclas Mall)La Chorrera
Leños & Carbón (Altaplaza Mall)Condado del Rey
Leños & Carbón (Costa del Este)Costa del Este
Leños & Carbón (Westland Mall)Arraiján
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