Excelente lugar... Comida deliciosa y la atencion es buena y rapida, el ambiente es familiar. Recomiendo ladopsomo y pizza 4 quesos.
Platos recomendados
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Precio por persona de: Entrada + Plato principal + bebida SIN ALCOHOL
Precio = Entrada + PLato principal + Bebida
Este restaurante lo recomendaria pero no para que vallan con mucha frecuencia porque pueden llegar a aburrirse del sabor de la comida. Tengo la percepcion que toda la comida sabe exactamente igual, no tienen mucha variedad. Pero la relacion precio / calidad es bastante aceptable
Been here a few times...and this is my second review, so will keep it short and sweet and let you into a little secret. I have discovered the best salad in the world. House special salad with added chicken (grilled) and eggplant (roasted with tomato). Delicious! Now go there and eat it!
Of all the local chain Greek restaurants (with more than 2 outlets) this is probably the most "posh". That doesn't mean it's really fancy...but it feels a little more upmarket. The fact that you can phone another table and ask someone to pass the salt elevates its status in my humble opinion. Anyway, the food is great...good giros, pita, salad etc. Go Greek!
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