Muy rica comida libanesa, me encanta el humus con carne, tienen buen sanwich de shawarma pero la porción es un poco chica.
Platos recomendados
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Precio por persona de: Entrada + Plato principal + bebida SIN ALCOHOL
Precio = Entrada + PLato principal + Bebida
Best things about this place are hookah and attentive service. And yes, we got 50% discount for using Degusta booking. Speaking of food, we had chicken soup and sea bass with seafood (2 sides of choice, I had salad and baked potato). Both dishes were tooo salty, and the fish dish was so oily, but tender though. And the soup wasn’t accompanied with any bread or croutons. Waiters were very attentive, at the end of dinner we got complimentary tea with mint.
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