Sergio C.
Miembro Foodie
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Enero de 2013
Posición 19401 del ranking de calificadores de Panamá.
10 comentarios en Panamá

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Muh Panamá
Delicioso y excelente servicio. El carpaccio muy bien y la costilla de cerdo igual. La Hamburguesa divina como las papas fritas.
Sushi Market (San Francisco Calle 66)
Siempre una buena opción, esta vez no quisieron modificar el sashimi mixto a mi gusto. Hay mucha meno gente que antes.
Ciao Ragazzi (Clayton)
Una de la mejor pizza de Panama, el ambiente no es de mi agrado pero el servicio es bueno y rapido. Sinceramente un poco caro.
ZK Nikkei Cuisine
La mejor opcion de sushi en Panama sin duda alguna. Mejoro muchisssssimo. Todo es perfecto el sushi la comida caliente las ensaladas, y los precios son bien accesible.
Tango Gaucho
Ojala sirvieran perrarina, es muy pero muy raro que haga un review negativo y sinceramente me molesta escribir un review para una comida tan pero tan tan desagradable. Fui en ese restaurante muchas veces en el pasado y deje de ir por 5 meses por viaje, hoy nos dio la gana de parrilla y le pido perdon a Dios y a mi familia para escoger este lugar. Nunca en mi vida comi una parrilla asi NUNCA. La molleja primero completamente cruda, el cochino crudo, el pollo incomible servido en una parrilla fria sin carbon. Chimichurri con Cilantro, papa congeladas, falto el queso para empezar y el mozo me dijo que no la servio porque me dieron 2 acompanantes. No voy a escribir mucho mas porque no merecen ni esas cortas lineas.
Ciao Ragazzi (Clayton)
Senza dubbio la migliore pizza italiana in Panama, ottimi ingredienti ottima pizza non ho provato altri piatti. Ambiente un po' freddo pero' la pizza vale il viaggio.
P.F. Chang`s.
Pesima atencion, pedimos entradas plato fuerte, despues de la entrada y de esperar 40 minutos el mozo viene y me cuenta de los dulces. Le digo que no comimos y puso una cara. Como si la mesa ni era la suya. Pesimo
It was a special night (valentines day) so that might have been the problem but it was by far one of the worst dinner experience of my life. 1st and most important they don't serve real organic food, they use for example Pangasius instead than Corvina for the Ceviche which is a real insult for someone who wants to go by organic restaurant. Pangasius is a catfish farm raised in Vietnam with women hormone and its the most disgusting fish ever. For dinner: the 20 grams of Pumpkin soup was good (and really 20 grams). The 30 grams of fried something (really 30 grams) were ok from there it was a simple DISASTER. For the 20 grams Ceviche please read above. Later on a very cold and way way way way overcooked mushroom risotto uneatable. And at last 2 breaded Lamb chop totally cold served with some kind of mint jam. The night was such a disaster its incredible, the Chef I believe is a woman who enjoys a lot more drinking wine with her guests than helping the other aide chefs. Picking your nose in the kitchen it is also not really recommended. I cannot comment on dessert because I really had to leave, we were seated at 7.30 and at 11.00 I could not stand it any longer. If the food was the worst I cant say the same for the drinks: The caipisomething was really good, the wine were probably the cheapest you will ever find in the market. An overly sweet sangria, a really cheap pink fruity sparkling wine (funny when the chef came out and asked about it saying it was something really unusual and as bad as it was she was probably correct) a perfect red wine to grow instant acidity in your stomach,a white wine that was perfectly warm... and I mean warm. I could have never have picked so many horrible wines even if I wanted to. More I think about last night more I feel like that if you don't love your job you need to change it and I can assure you that the so called Chef really hates her job. The night was really cheap at 70.00 USD per person.
ZK Nikkei Cuisine
Lo sushi no es malo pero tampoco es bueno. El servicio un desastre, hay un sushi chef que es terrible y otro que es muy bueno. No recomendable afortunadamente uno de los mejor restaurante de sushi de Panamá...Imaginarse....
Conos Temakeria
Excelente calidad de la comida muy fresco todo el atún tartare me encanto también to temaki y el wakame era gigantes. Volveré muchísimas veces es la opción mejor de sushi en Panamá.